Thoughts on t-t-the W10 Creators Update

So, the Windows 10 Creators Update. It’s out, and for the most part it seems good. There’s a lot of new stuff, my personal favourites being the introduction of Game Mode (for better or worse), and the changes to Windows Update which allow you to pause updates. And Storage Sense is worth a mention (basically a smarter, automated disk cleanup). There are niggles too, of course. Chief among them being the introduction of more “suggestions” (read: ads) in different parts of Windows, and a particularly frustrating problem of frame rate issues in games.

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Oh geez, that was laboured…

Anyway. Who knew building a mere web page to make a quick SQL query to a database would would be something I thought warranted me waffling about it?
So here’s the deal: over the last few weeks I worked on a small side project at work to build a web page that would display the results of a SQL query/lookup.
This was new for me, since I’m far more used to maintaining the servers that host these things, not building the things themselves. Still, building this has been, dare I say, a rather fun time. After all the troubleshooting (though that holds its own appeal in satisfaction).

Image, uh, kind of related…

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Speaking of updates…

Was that a hiatus? Let’s call it a hiatus. Should that be “an” hiatus? Let’s call it semantics and not care.

Is this a weird way to start a post?

tangled hair glasses

Let’s call it quirky.

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Everyday Scripting: Launch ALL the game clients

You know what really grinds my gears? Opening game clients one by one when I want them all to open and update. So I engaged in a little every-day-scripting to stop the grinding. “Code” inside.


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scraps: the twit on top

I added a scrolly-Twitter-thing because I thought it was neat-o. I’ve always liked unobtrusive scrolly bits (tickers); it’s probably got something to do with watching too many news channels and daytime infomercial television, so here we are. At least there’s some activity on the screen now. Kinda.

But wait there’s-
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Linux Partition Divisions

So. You already know what’s happening here (probably) because the title is obvious (hopefully). But for the title-skippers in the crowd I’ll lay out the introduction-with-waffle: far too often I find myself having a go at a duck, in an effort to educate myself (again) about good partitioning schemes for new Linux installations (in this case Debian).

Is this a deep dive yet?

Is this a deep dive yet?

I’m tired of doing that, so now we have this post to document my latest preferred partition scheme. Now, when (not if) I’m repeating this Linux/Debian installation exercise in the future, I’ll just have a go at myself.

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scraps: I moved something

Can you tell what it is? Can you tell where it’s gone?!
An Internet (maybe) to the first person to comm-… err, actually, no, there aren’t any Internets for this (not even maybe). That’d be ridiculous. Total, flagrant disregard for manufactured scarcity. Can’t have it (actually still maybe).

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Theme the Night

Let’s see just how much we can narrow the target audience for this post, shall we?

Do you use RSS feeds to keep up with the news? Do you host your own TT-RSS server to monitor those RSS feeds? Are you running a Sandstorm instance (bonus question: on the Oasis platform)? Do you run your TT-RSS server as a grain on your Sandstorm instance? Do you use the night.css TT-RSS theme? Finally, do the greyscaled images of the theme annoy you?

If you answered yes to /all/ of those questions, you are probably one of these: a) you are me (hello), b) you follow, and use, the news-upkeep methods I describe alarmingly closely, c) the internet brought you here when you searched for a solution to your annoyance and somehow we do the same things and this is exactly what you were looking, and we’re clearly cosmically connected or whatever (make of that what you will).

I knew it, from the Mormont we met...

I knew it, from the Mormont we met…

All that is a very long way of saying that I have made startlingly basic CSS modifications to my TT-RSS theme to stop it greyscaling the images in my feeds, and I’m about to describe just how I did it.

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Review: Warcraft

Research finished! It took ’em years, but Blizzard has finally made good on delivering a long-anticipated full-feature movie with Warcraft. Does it sail on gryphon wings or plummet to the depths of the naga?

Or perhaps an entirely different sort of animal?

Or perhaps an entirely different sort of animal?

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Tip-o-Thursday: PsTools

Want a tip? Have a tip. Sometimes tech, sometimes life, sometimes not a tip at all. Now faced with the prospect of not posting this month (shock and horror!), I throw ’em out there with wild abandon.

Like this, except [more || less] delicious.

Like this, except [more || less] delicious.

Satisfy* your hunger after the jump.

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