Category Archives: Scripting & Coding

It’s about time I continued this thing, no? I put Part One up back in May last year, after all… While the IIS+PHP hosting environment I talked about before has remained the same, over time I have continued work on the little page I bootstrapped back then. The page provides the exceedingly simple function of displaying the results of a SQL query.

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gibs: ipCheck: quick and dirty what-is-my-IP script

When I made that VPN script thing, I did so mostly remotely from the host system on which it would be used, over SSH.
So where I would usually just run a quick ‘what is my ip’ web search to confirm my internet IP, that was not possible when testing the VPN script over SSH. So I made this. I still find it useful so, uh, maybe others will too.

The script also checks your IP with multiple (three) online services. You know, in case one is lying to you, or, uhh… Just… It makes extra sure, okay?

Find it here.


nordp2p: automating OpenVPN server selection and connection

One fateful day, when I’d just got light in my fibre,
An email came my way. Snigger and giggle I did,
When I read what that email did bid,
And the button for trash did I smash.

Then a little while later, another damn mail on the wire!
Taken aback, I thought “ah frack,”
And conceded to put pause to my downloader.

Applying a little gumption,
I decided to heck with this setback!
Downloader now on resumption,
There’ll be no pesky watchers of my SYN-ACK!

“This is my tunnel,” Shrek whispered…

Look ma, I done a poetry!

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samba-tdb: automating Samba .tdb backups

I’ve been playing with the idea of running a standalone Samba server to replace an old NAS device that I’d like to repurpose. So I looked for some Samba best-practice ideas and one of them mentioned the periodic backing up and checking the small database files Samba uses for storing config and running info. I figured I’d automate the task with a script, and here we are.


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Oh geez, that was laboured…

Anyway. Who knew building a mere web page to make a quick SQL query to a database would would be something I thought warranted me waffling about it?
So here’s the deal: over the last few weeks I worked on a small side project at work to build a web page that would display the results of a SQL query/lookup.
This was new for me, since I’m far more used to maintaining the servers that host these things, not building the things themselves. Still, building this has been, dare I say, a rather fun time. After all the troubleshooting (though that holds its own appeal in satisfaction).

Image, uh, kind of related…

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Everyday Scripting: Launch ALL the game clients

You know what really grinds my gears? Opening game clients one by one when I want them all to open and update. So I engaged in a little every-day-scripting to stop the grinding. “Code” inside.


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Theme the Night

Let’s see just how much we can narrow the target audience for this post, shall we?

Do you use RSS feeds to keep up with the news? Do you host your own TT-RSS server to monitor those RSS feeds? Are you running a Sandstorm instance (bonus question: on the Oasis platform)? Do you run your TT-RSS server as a grain on your Sandstorm instance? Do you use the night.css TT-RSS theme? Finally, do the greyscaled images of the theme annoy you?

If you answered yes to /all/ of those questions, you are probably one of these: a) you are me (hello), b) you follow, and use, the news-upkeep methods I describe alarmingly closely, c) the internet brought you here when you searched for a solution to your annoyance and somehow we do the same things and this is exactly what you were looking, and we’re clearly cosmically connected or whatever (make of that what you will).

I knew it, from the Mormont we met...

I knew it, from the Mormont we met…

All that is a very long way of saying that I have made startlingly basic CSS modifications to my TT-RSS theme to stop it greyscaling the images in my feeds, and I’m about to describe just how I did it.

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Something about something…

something about me
Bet’cha thought I’d skip a month, ‘eh? Well you’d have bet wrong, and you’d have owed money to someone. But you probably didn’t bet, which is probably good. So good, in fact, you might feel generous enough to give, oh, half of what you would have bet to me instead? Except you can’t, because I haven’t put any way of accepting stranger’s money on here. So, yeah… Better luck next time.

Anyway, this post’s less free-game and more personal-blog (except my life is games and tech so, obviously, there’ll be some of that). Sorry. That’s just a little heads-up to the freebie-watchers so they don’t waste their time. You’re welcome.


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Roping rocks and snipping paper with Codecadamy

So for the last two weeks or so I have been monkeying about with injecting some coding knowledge into my skill set (or something…). This has primarily been through the Stanford CS106A (Programming Methodology) course and lectures on Udemy/YouTube, and resuming my long-abandoned and meagre progress on Codecademy. I spent an inordinate amount of time fiddling with the Rock, Paper, Scissors exercise on the latter’s JavaScript track, and because I want to feel like it was worthwhile I’m dropping it here, after the jump.


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