Monthly Archives: May 2014
Gibs: Freefield Battle Three

Or: Battlefield 3 is free! On Origin! Until 03 June 2014!


Continuing with the trend of blatantly copying what I report here from NAG Online, anyone (with an Origin account) can now get Battlefield 3 on PC for the high, high cost of absolutely nothing (unless you count data for the 19GB (!) download…)! Not only that, but right now you can totally still get the thing-I-forgot-to-report for mere clicks too, which is Plants vs. Zombies GOTY Edition (PC and Mac)! Until 16 June 2014! Huzzah! More freeness and things!

Get Battlefield 3 here and Plants vs. Zombies here, and the low-down on why Origin is throwing free stuff around here. Quick, before they realise what they’ve done!

Of course, you’ll still need to get yourself Battlefield 3’s Premium pack if you want ALL the (Battlefield 3) things, but, at least locally, the vanilla base game is pretty much all that’s being played online now anyway so one might as well wait until that’s on sale/free.

Thanks, NAG Online!

Gibs: Holy rAging dates, Bitcoin!

Or: rAge 2014’s date changes and a local Bitcoin ATM is a thing that is happening. Basically, some stuff wot I saw upon my Feedly today.

This just in: rAge, a really Awesome gaming expo that takes place in South Africa every year and is basically the bestest single LAN and gaming event in the everywhere [citation needed], has had its usual first-weekend-of-October date changed. It’s now taking place a week later, from 10 October to 12 October, to leverage the power of school holidays or something.

And then, because I saw the article right after the rAge one and something needs to be done with this site/blog/blahg/wat/thing, South Africa’s getting a Bitcoin ATM! In Sandton somewhere (that’s kinda our tech and business capital type place, and also where wealthy business and trendy types live, or some such)! I don’t do much with Bitcoins, besides leaving miners running on PCs of mine that’d be powered-on anyway, but I think us getting our first Bitcoin ATM is a pretty sweet thing and I look forward to the day where I actually have a Bitcoin to use (pooled mining is slow stuff, what with only little desktops running here and there)! Or some other cryptocurrency… R4mCoins, anyone? :D

Read more about both of these of things at their/my sources, here and here!
