Monthly Archives: July 2016
Theme the Night

Let’s see just how much we can narrow the target audience for this post, shall we?

Do you use RSS feeds to keep up with the news? Do you host your own TT-RSS server to monitor those RSS feeds? Are you running a Sandstorm instance (bonus question: on the Oasis platform)? Do you run your TT-RSS server as a grain on your Sandstorm instance? Do you use the night.css TT-RSS theme? Finally, do the greyscaled images of the theme annoy you?

If you answered yes to /all/ of those questions, you are probably one of these: a) you are me (hello), b) you follow, and use, the news-upkeep methods I describe alarmingly closely, c) the internet brought you here when you searched for a solution to your annoyance and somehow we do the same things and this is exactly what you were looking, and we’re clearly cosmically connected or whatever (make of that what you will).

I knew it, from the Mormont we met...

I knew it, from the Mormont we met…

All that is a very long way of saying that I have made startlingly basic CSS modifications to my TT-RSS theme to stop it greyscaling the images in my feeds, and I’m about to describe just how I did it.

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