Tag Archives: hardening
Linux Partition Divisions

So. You already know what’s happening here (probably) because the title is obvious (hopefully). But for the title-skippers in the crowd I’ll lay out the introduction-with-waffle: far too often I find myself having a go at a duck, in an effort to educate myself (again) about good partitioning schemes for new Linux installations (in this case Debian).

Is this a deep dive yet?

Is this a deep dive yet?

I’m tired of doing that, so now we have this post to document my latest preferred partition scheme. Now, when (not if) I’m repeating this Linux/Debian installation exercise in the future, I’ll just have a go at myself.

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GRUBbed Up: Mounts of Future Past

Have you ever set a GRUB boot password, unwittingly buggering it up with a typo, and then panicked when your rebooting host claimed you were giving it the wrong password so it wouldn’t boot? On an LVM disk system? I have. Just last week, in fact. Wanna know how I fixed it?

Hit the jump, then.

lolwut systemd

lolwut systemd

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