Category Archives: Tech
gibs: extracting Windows 10 spotlight pictures

yes, i’m alive.

i typed what’s below quite a time ago, why i didn’t publish, i don’t know, but now – yes…

i have more potential posts in mind, so things might pick up here again. it’d be nice to give this old place a new coat of paint, too.

Windows 10 has a thing. A thing where it displays some featured image on the Lock Screen. If you have a look at the ‘Personalization’ settings for the Lock Screen, the thing is called ‘Windows spotlight.’ Well sometimes it’s a rather nice picture and maybe you want it, yes? Well you can have it, and I’ll tell you how to get it.

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A Measure of Drive

Alternately: Review: Seagate Barracuda 3TB

My hard disk failed [a time ago]. The one I used to store games and media and such. Sucks, right? Yeah. The drive presented with fast declining performance, which soon progressed to CRC errors and general unresponsiveness. I got what was important to me off before the end, though [porn joke here haha]. And now it’s been replaced by a new and shiny Seagate BarraCuda, the 3TB model (ST3000MD008). I kinda wanted a WD Black drive but, well, I couldn’t come to grips with their prices. And the benchmarks I was looking at showed these BarraCuda’s were outperforming the WD Blacks (the sub-4TB ones) on read speeds anyway, which are more important to me (for things like game loading times and what-not).

Oooh!! Barracuda.

So, in case you’re interested, I figured I’d run a couple benchmark tests on this one, to see how it measures up.

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Thoughts on t-t-the W10 Creators Update

So, the Windows 10 Creators Update. It’s out, and for the most part it seems good. There’s a lot of new stuff, my personal favourites being the introduction of Game Mode (for better or worse), and the changes to Windows Update which allow you to pause updates. And Storage Sense is worth a mention (basically a smarter, automated disk cleanup). There are niggles too, of course. Chief among them being the introduction of more “suggestions” (read: ads) in different parts of Windows, and a particularly frustrating problem of frame rate issues in games.

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Linux Partition Divisions

So. You already know what’s happening here (probably) because the title is obvious (hopefully). But for the title-skippers in the crowd I’ll lay out the introduction-with-waffle: far too often I find myself having a go at a duck, in an effort to educate myself (again) about good partitioning schemes for new Linux installations (in this case Debian).

Is this a deep dive yet?

Is this a deep dive yet?

I’m tired of doing that, so now we have this post to document my latest preferred partition scheme. Now, when (not if) I’m repeating this Linux/Debian installation exercise in the future, I’ll just have a go at myself.

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Tip-o-Thursday: PsTools

Want a tip? Have a tip. Sometimes tech, sometimes life, sometimes not a tip at all. Now faced with the prospect of not posting this month (shock and horror!), I throw ’em out there with wild abandon.

Like this, except [more || less] delicious.

Like this, except [more || less] delicious.

Satisfy* your hunger after the jump.

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GRUBbed Up: Mounts of Future Past

Have you ever set a GRUB boot password, unwittingly buggering it up with a typo, and then panicked when your rebooting host claimed you were giving it the wrong password so it wouldn’t boot? On an LVM disk system? I have. Just last week, in fact. Wanna know how I fixed it?

Hit the jump, then.

lolwut systemd

lolwut systemd

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First-born second-favourites: Multiple network config utilities on Arch Linux

So here’s something that took me an embarrassingly long to time figure out: (Arch) Linux doesn’t like it when you have multiple network configuration utilities set to connect you to a network. In my case, a wireless network. In fact, the same wireless network for both utilities.


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What a WOUnderful World

Windows updates! “Aww geez, R4mzy, now why’d you go and irritate everyone with such opening words?” Fret not, proverbial commentator, for I am about to tell of a way to make those words a little less headache-inducing! The thing is called WSUS Offline Updates, and you’ll need to vault the Read More button for details.

Lookit the purty terminal.

Lookit the purty terminal.

Oh and, err, a little belated, but Happy New Year and/or whatever it is you do over the December period.

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There and Back Again: A Linux Tail

I have been wanting to mumble about my experiences testing Linux out on my gaming system for weeks already. And now it’s the last day of August and I don’t want to break the minimum-of-a-post-a-month thing I’ve had going on, so it’s coming at ya all rush-like. Enjoy.

I rather like the regularity there...

I’m partial to the regularity there…

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Something about something…

something about me
Bet’cha thought I’d skip a month, ‘eh? Well you’d have bet wrong, and you’d have owed money to someone. But you probably didn’t bet, which is probably good. So good, in fact, you might feel generous enough to give, oh, half of what you would have bet to me instead? Except you can’t, because I haven’t put any way of accepting stranger’s money on here. So, yeah… Better luck next time.

Anyway, this post’s less free-game and more personal-blog (except my life is games and tech so, obviously, there’ll be some of that). Sorry. That’s just a little heads-up to the freebie-watchers so they don’t waste their time. You’re welcome.


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