Wah-hey, it’s a another year. I almost skipped this post, because laziness or some such thing, but eventually my urge to type about the newest free thing on Origin won out and now here we are. So to get right to the pointy end, Origin’s latest On the House thing is ye olde Bullfrog classic Theme Hospital. To get it, you need to do the usual On the House thing of logging in to the Origin application/client, check out the Store, and click all over those helpful bits that, currently at least, are trying to tell you about what this very post is also telling you about (that is, Theme Hospital being free, obviously). Which is a terrible way of saying “open the Origin client and follow the prompts.” No idea how long this’ll last, Origin only gives us a cryptic “Available for a Limited Time Only” message, and I’ve no idea what’s up with the capitalisation…
What? Okay, I seem to have run out of ways to headline things that are getting the On The House treatment on Origin. Ignoring my failure in headline composition, EA has dropped SimCity 2000 Special Edition in the freebie-bin. I’m starting to feel like they decide to drop these things every time I neglect this blog, because I’d be compelled to post about their new promotion… Which is nice of them, I guess. Thanks EA.
The apostrophe in that header is probably grammatically incorrect… Oh well. In case my failing English has you flummoxed, allow me to reiterate: you can get Mount & Blade for free on GOG.com until November 14, 13:59 GMT! Go(g)!
Yep, that’s right: Dragon Age: Origins, the first game in the Dragon Age series, is free right now, until 14 October 2014, on Origin. The price of zero monies/credits/dosh/green/et cetera. Ala on the house. So get on over there and do the things to get it. Hurray!
Ugh. EA and Origin keep being nice, which is really screwing with that whole “EA is teh devil-company” idea for me… In this latest incident of doing something cool, Wing Commander 3: Heart of the Tiger is free on Origin until 16 September 2014, as part of their On the House thingy. So, y’know, go git a game for nuthin’.
Redeem it on their site or through the Origin application, the choice is yours. Just do it, because it’s free and everyone knows gamers can’t resist freebies.
Hmm, perhaps I shoulda wrote the opening sentences with an “EA hopes to cash in on Star Citizen’s popularity” sorta spin, that’d feed the devil-company idea…
Hmm. I’m treading dangerously close to establishing a trend of only ever posting on here about free stuff. Which is great and all, because free stuff (obviously), but, y’know, doesn’t exactly hit the “credible original content” mark that I have sorta-intentions of hitting.
A sweet little side-scrolling action title by the name of The Expendabros was recently released with extra Freedom. That is, it’s actually free. So you should look past the validity of my claims regarding the title’s “sweetness” (because I haven’t played it or the previous title that it’s based on, so I really have absolutely no idea what it tastes like), and just get on with acquiring a free game. Acquire it here, on The Expendabros‘ Steam page (or right through the Steam client, if, y’know, you’re not stuck in an office reading about things you’d rather be playing because work PCs and the frowned-upon idea of gaming on them). Oh, and it’ll be “available for download until December 31, 2014.” Read more of the rubbish I type about The Expendabros after the jump (there’s a trailer too).
EA is giving The Sims 2 away for free, until 31 July 2014 10h00 PDT (that’s 19h00 for us GMT+2 people), to drum up anticipation for the impending launch of The Sims 4 (I/we/the internet/everyone figures, but EA says it’s “because you’re a passionate The Sims 2 player”). Even better, the edition being given away is the Ultimate Collection, which is The Sims 2 base game plus ALL THE THINGS (eight expansions, ten stuff packs, the whole shebang). So if it’s still before the cut-off time and you haven’t already done so and you like free things, you’d best open Origin up (app or website), keep reading to take advantage.
Following my earlier post about the Hearthstone expansion, Curse of Naxxramas, the title of this one also pretty much says all it needs to. Especially if you read that earlier post. If you didn’t read the earlier post, this next sentence might be handy: the first wing of Curse of Naxxramas, called The Arachnid Quarter, will be free for the first month following the expansion’s dropping (ie. for a month from RIET NAOW LIKE WHILE I’M TYPING OR MAYBE FROM YESTERDAY ‘CAUSE THAT’S WHEN THE AMERICA-LAND VERSION DROPPED). So, there you are then.
If that above paragraph is unclear to you, follow the jump for reduced bewilderment.
Aaaand… Err, no. That’s it. Upcoming Hearthstone expansion, Curse of Naxxramas, is releasing on 22 July 2014 in America-land and 23 July 2014 in Europe-land. Title about says it all. More on pricing, etc. after the jump.
Or: Battlefield 3 is free! On Origin! Until 03 June 2014!
Continuing with the trend of blatantly copying what I report here from NAG Online, anyone (with an Origin account) can now get Battlefield 3 on PC for the high, high cost of absolutely nothing (unless you count data for the 19GB (!) download…)! Not only that, but right now you can totally still get the thing-I-forgot-to-report for mere clicks too, which is Plants vs. Zombies GOTY Edition (PC and Mac)! Until 16 June 2014! Huzzah! More freeness and things!
Get Battlefield 3 here and Plants vs. Zombies here, and the low-down on why Origin is throwing free stuff around here. Quick, before they realise what they’ve done!
Of course, you’ll still need to get yourself Battlefield 3’s Premium pack if you want ALL the (Battlefield 3) things, but, at least locally, the vanilla base game is pretty much all that’s being played online now anyway so one might as well wait until that’s on sale/free.
Thanks, NAG Online!