I posted an offer for this on Reddit’s /r/GiftOfGames. Go there if you want it.
Homefront was free on Humble Bundle a week or two ago (that’s the 2011 one – not the bugfest that is Revolution. Though to be fair it may have been patched…). I redeemed it as soon as I heard, naturally. The fact that I had bought and played it on release (steel box edition and all that – yes, I drank the Kool Aid of the time) changed nothing. So I have a Homefront key (for Steam) looking for a new, ahem, home, and yeah, this is a giveaway.
Read More…Did anyone really expect it to be? I mean it’s what we think we want, sure…
So, the Windows 10 Creators Update. It’s out, and for the most part it seems good. There’s a lot of new stuff, my personal favourites being the introduction of Game Mode (for better or worse), and the changes to Windows Update which allow you to pause updates. And Storage Sense is worth a mention (basically a smarter, automated disk cleanup). There are niggles too, of course. Chief among them being the introduction of more “suggestions” (read: ads) in different parts of Windows, and a particularly frustrating problem of frame rate issues in games.
You know what really grinds my gears? Opening game clients one by one when I want them all to open and update. So I engaged in a little every-day-scripting to stop the grinding. “Code” inside.
You know what’s fun? Gaming expos, that’s what. We don’t have all that many of them happen down here on this end of Africa (or probably in Africa in general), but at least one of what we have is pretty good. That being rAge – which runs every year over a weekend in October (for the last, like, I dunno, 11 years or something), showcasing all kinds of wonderfully geeky, techy, nerdy, and gamey type things. That, and it plays host to a kickass BYOC LAN (the NAG LAN @ rAge), which every year for the last few years is the largest held in the southern hemisphere (as far as I’m aware, anyway). This is my eighth attendance, and I thought I’d write something of what I saw here over day one, Friday.
I have been wanting to mumble about my experiences testing Linux out on my gaming system for weeks already. And now it’s the last day of August and I don’t want to break the minimum-of-a-post-a-month thing I’ve had going on, so it’s coming at ya all rush-like. Enjoy.
Why, would you look at the date! It’s about time I added more text to this thing, innit? Well, let’s see, what have I got to say? …
Starting with myself, I started a new job last week, so that’s been nice. Game-wise, I’ve been playing a lot of The Witcher (one). And something about a giraffe. Yes.
This started out as one of those, “another month, another post” kind of posts. Then I made the mistake of “I’ll just put some words down about my GTA V experience,” and now we have this. Basically a review. Except I never meant to review it so there are no screenshots to do the picture things. Once I play the thing again (The Witcher has me right now), I’ll snap some shots. I had meant to write about GTA V, NAG magazine stopping production (though I guess I did that in their comments), The Witcher (still on number one, even though I went and pre-ordered three…), perhaps The Smashing Pumpkins’ new album (I like it – not Siamese Dream or Machina love it, but like it), maybe Star Citizen’s recent developments (or rather this mini game), and generally waste your time. But now you have this. So, there you are.
[picture goes here?]
(That’s the PC, for the peasants among you.)
That’s right, folks. GTA V has finally released on PC, and hot damn if it isn’t my first new-release pre-order game-purchase of the year! I’ve been chomping at the bit to play this since it got rolled out to the peasant platforms last year and studiously avoiding spoilers, too-detailed opinions, reviews, and gameplay videos (okay, I cheated a little with those, particularly after the PS4 and XBONE releases). After all this time, I now have the game sitting on my work desk. It and the lovely box, cover, (seven!) discs, map, poster, and most of all smell have all been doing their delicious parts to taunt and tease me, but it won’t be long now…