something about me
Bet’cha thought I’d skip a month, ‘eh? Well you’d have bet wrong, and you’d have owed money to someone. But you probably didn’t bet, which is probably good. So good, in fact, you might feel generous enough to give, oh, half of what you would have bet to me instead? Except you can’t, because I haven’t put any way of accepting stranger’s money on here. So, yeah… Better luck next time.
Anyway, this post’s less free-game and more personal-blog (except my life is games and tech so, obviously, there’ll be some of that). Sorry. That’s just a little heads-up to the freebie-watchers so they don’t waste their time. You’re welcome.
So for the last two weeks or so I have been monkeying about with injecting some coding knowledge into my skill set (or something…). This has primarily been through the Stanford CS106A (Programming Methodology) course and lectures on Udemy/YouTube, and resuming my long-abandoned and meagre progress on Codecademy. I spent an inordinate amount of time fiddling with the Rock, Paper, Scissors exercise on the latter’s JavaScript track, and because I want to feel like it was worthwhile I’m dropping it here, after the jump.